Thursday, July 5, 2007

Summary 23 Things

23 Things - Item #23
This posting completes my 23 Things for Libraries 2.0! I'm so glad I worked on this project! I really did learn a lot of new tools and skills I will use in the future. And since I hurried to finish, I was able to help co-workers with items when they had questions.

One of my favorite discovery exercises was putting the video into the blog. It was a little tricky, but worth the effort. I also enjoyed LibraryThing.

I agreed with Deb's comment on the participants' main page. She said she felt this experience helped create a community atmosphere. I agree 100%! We are all helping and encouraging each other with tasks. That was an unexpected outcome, I think. This experience is helping library staff work more closely with each other and strenghthening our bonds as a community.

If another experience like this were to be offered in the future, yes, I'd like to participate.

In closing, I really liked the way blogs were used as notebooks where we placed our assignments or discovery exercises. And it was almost like an open book exam. By checking out each others blogs we could learn from their experiences.

1 comment:

IrmBrown said...

Congrats. I'm so glad this was a good experience for you. Thanks for your enthusiasm and helping others in your dept.